
时间:2024-01-19 09:44:49 作者:admin

高三英语预约采访作文xxx 第1篇

A: . Bolt. Do you have plans this evening:'


B: Not yet for the moment.


A: May I invite you to a dinner at a Chinese restaurant? I know a restaurant here where delicious Chinese food is served.


B: Thank you. I am delighted to go with have had Chinese food before in New till now I have been not good at using chopsticks.


A: It does not matter. I will help you.


B: Thank you very kind does Chinese food include?


A: It's very abundant. There are 4 types of most famous Chinese foods in our country, They are Sichuan Food. Jiangsu Food and Shandong Food.


B: is very interesting. If I can I want to try them all. This food is out of this world !


A: Sure! You have the can try one kind this time,and another the next time.


B: How do you eat Chinese food? How do you start?


A: Remember one sentence.“When in as the Romans do”. When we host w… take the chopsticks the others.


B: What about drinks ?


A: The host will usually take the wine firstly and all the people will stand the host will have a they will say“che- ers”all together. The host usually bottoms up and the guests will follow. But if you can't can sip a little.


B: It's very interesting. I have learnt a lot about Chinese food from;you today. Thank you very much


A: It's very kind of you for saying so.


高三英语预约采访作文xxx 第2篇

Dear sir/madam:

I’m delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date].

As we agreed, you’ll be speaking on the topic __from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.

Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you’ll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I’ll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,



高三英语预约采访作文xxx 第3篇

Dear colleagues:

Hello! The Dowen Lecture Hall is scheduled to be held on May 5 ( Sunday ) from 9: 00 to 12: 00. Parents of the parenting education delegation will share How to Cultivate Childrens Virtue with the visiting teacher on the 22nd lecture reading conference, Etiquette in Food, Clothes, Housing and Travel. Please reply to the message and sign up for your seat.

All the teachers of the multi-media school present their compliments. For more information, please pay attention to QQ group of multi-media lecture hall: 227102606

Address: Duowen School, 1st Floor, Longjuge, Jubao Garden, No. 8, Min - Zhu Road

Telephone: 18934712035 ( Chisu )

Multi - smell school

May 3, 20xx

Photographic group: Wu Na

Publicity Group: Xie Yapeng and Cai Chunhui

Coordination Group: Qiu Yuanlong

高三英语预约采访作文xxx 第4篇

Steven: Speaking of the subject of today, what changes have you seen happening in digital learning in China?

Dr. Seymour Papert: I think there are some very very good experimental projects, for example, I mentioned that from BNU--Beijing Normal University. They are doing some very interesting experimental project where they have, in some schools, I think, there’re about 50 schools where they have a lot of computers and they are really letting the students spend a lot of time with their computers. So I was impressed with that. I didn’t expect to see such…

Steven: dramatic changes?

Dr. Seymour Papert: They’re relatively large-scaled, 50 schools, (although) it is not 50,000 schools. It is not just one classroom, that’s study it is quite a substantial size. That is just one example. My impression is that they are all quite a few people doing very interesting research projects, in order to do with digital education.

Steven: Are you encouraging students to spend more time online by using computers, I mean, surfing.

Dr. Seymour Papert: They don’t need to be encouraged. They’re all doing that.

Steven: Yeah, they are doing that on their own, but the problem is that some of parents have the concern. If children spend much more time surfing online, they might lose their literacy, they cannot write. That might be the problem.

Dr. Seymour Papert: Well, first of all, that is not necessarily true. You can’t generalize. It is true that you could waste your time surfing. But you could also do serious work surfing. So it depends on what they are doing.

Steven: And the age of the students.

Dr. Seymour Papert: I don’t think it depends on the ages. Like the experiment I mentioned that Pro. He is doing, that these are first and second grade students. They are just learning to write, why are they learning to write? Because they find interesting things to read on net. By surfing, of course they learn to read and as they learn to read, they also learn to write. That's an example. Surfing helps them encourage writing. They write better, they learn more than the other students. It's true that you can see the opposite also.

Steven: Yeah. Because I used to practice Chinese calligraphy, but now I can hardly pick it up because I use too much computer.

Dr. Seymour Papert: Well, but if you became really interested in playing the piano you would spend time playing. That’s the same thing. You think it is because of the computer or because you are already interested in something else.

Steven: And because there is too much fun online.

Dr. Seymour Papert: Well you find fun on the line, but if you were a musician, you would find fun with musical instruments, so or if you were a poet, you would find fun writing a poet. I don’t know if the computer is more fun. It’s more fun for the people who like that. But for the people like other things, that’s (not like that).

Steven: Let’s say computer is just tool by which we can, we can do our homework, download music and things like that.

Dr. Seymour Papert: Well, of course you can just use it as a tool, but some people are interested in how it works, and want to change it, and it’s not doesn’t have to be just a tool.

Steven: So what do you use the computers for in your class?

Dr. Seymour Papert: In my class? Well, that’s an interesting question. Of course, everybody uses the computer, if you would find some articles about somebody. Some of my classes are about using the computer. So they will do other things, maybe create some new things, software, or some use of computers. Because that’s what way they are studying.

Steven: So the students use the computer after class, right?

Dr. Seymour Papert: You mean while the class’s going on? Or maybe for taking notes. Yes.

高三英语预约采访作文xxx 第5篇


Dear colleagues:

In order to further improve the comprehensive quality and learning ability of students in our class and reflect the spiritual outlook of students in our class, Class 131 of Law will organize students in our class to carry out book reading activities to create a good learning atmosphere of reading more, reading better and reading better, so that students can truly feel the spirit and fashion of Class 131 of Law and inspire their love for school life.

Office: School of Political Science and Law

Acceptance: 131 classes of law

The organization of the speech contest of book club friends and soul enrichment in class 131 of law of the institute of political science and law of the program list of the book club.

General planning: Zhang jiing

Planning: Xie Yapeng, Li Yan and Ran Xiaowei

Moderator: Ma Jiaqi and Li Pei

Sign to: Zhang Shaoming

Service Group: Madeleine

高三英语预约采访作文xxx 第6篇


文化产业已经成了经济增长的新亮点。 中国_副署长xxx1月7日在第三届中国文化产业新年论坛上指出。


发展文化产业是提升城市竞争软实力的制高点,同时也是我国构建和谐社会、实现区域协调发展的重要内容。 北京大学文化产业研究所副所长xxx说。


高三英语预约采访作文xxx 第7篇

大一新生因离家不适应入学六天后跳楼身亡 、 在校大学生胆大妄为,从交警岗亭偷自行车 、 大学生与女友分手自杀 、 研究生气球书写求婚宣言腾空而起 。

经过大众传媒的策划与报道,展现在公众视野中的是这样的大学生:性观念过度开放和放纵、暴力凶杀、冷漠世故、品质低下 大学生的形象正在被消解。这些造成了对大学生形象的损害,导致了大学生形象的妖魔化。









高三英语预约采访作文xxx 第8篇


我们来到“虹桥上海城”,只见那儿人山人海。原先“虹桥上海城”是个大型购物、休闲中心,节日里当然是热闹非凡啦。我们各自找到采访对象,就分散了。我看准一个xxx,就走过去问:“xxx,我是小主人新闻报社的记者,我能采访你一下吗?”xxx高兴地说:“好的。”我问了她几岁,喜欢怎样过节。她告诉我,她七岁半,这天和爸爸妈妈一齐来刚开张的“虹桥上海城”是参加小主人生日游活动的,爸爸妈妈能够去放心购物,好多老师会带她和其他小朋友一齐玩各种游戏,她开心极了,这天天还没亮,她就催爸爸妈妈快点起床了。我觉得她真是个可爱的小姑娘。我又问她,这个长假每一天都安排这么丰富的活动吗?她撅起了小嘴说:“才不是呢!明天我要去弹琴,还要上英语课,还有学校的功课没做完呢。要是天天这样我就开心死喽!”原先,这么小的妹妹,已经负担很重了呀!我拍拍她的头说:“那你的本领很大呀,将来你演奏钢琴的时候,姐姐为你鼓掌。”xxx又高兴地笑了,我让她在我的采访本上签了名。在“虹桥上海城”内走着,发现有不少金发碧眼的外国友人。我想,采访外国人在中国过节就应是一件有好处的是。于是,我来到一位金发姐姐面前,友好地说:“Hello! May I interview you?(你好,我能采访你吗)”

她听明白了,也回答说:“Of course(当然能够)”我凭着一口流利的英语,又问了她:“Are you happy today?(这天你高兴吗)”“Where are you from?(你从哪里来)”等问题。她一一做了回答。透过采访,我明白了这位姐姐今年二十二岁,是英国来的留学生,家里有爸爸、妈妈和哥哥,她十分爱自我的家和祖国,但也喜欢中国。她还签上了名字——Anna,原先她叫安娜。



高三英语预约采访作文xxx 第9篇

Dear Lynn,

I have good news to tell you. Bill and I had moved to ChaoyangDistrict, which I had told you last time. We liked it very would like to invite all of our friends come to our new homefor a housewarming join us at 17:00 . onSunday, March 28, . Directions are enclosed.

We hope you and your wife will be able to attend on time.

Yours truly,
